I photograph bugs using a Belomo loupe held up to my iPhone camera.
If you recognize a bug I have not identified, enlighten me.
bold jumping spider
![jumping spider](bold_jumping_spider.jpg)
![jumping spider](bold_jumping_spider2.jpg)
![jumping spider](bold_jumping_spider3.jpg)
flower crab spider
![flower crab spider](flower_crab_spider.jpg)
![flower crab spider](flower_crab_spider2.jpg)
Looks like Misumena vatia.
Theridon murarium
lycosidae (wolf spiders)
![wolf spider](lycosid.jpg)
Some kind of wolf spider, pictured next to a 0.7mm mechanical pencil.
zebra jumping spider
![zebra jumping spider](zebra_jumping_spider2.jpg)
![zebra jumping spider](zebra_jumping_spider3.jpg)
european earwig
![european earwig](european_earwig.jpg)
![european earwig](european_earwig2.jpg)
red-banded leafhopper
![red-banded leafhopper](red-banded_leafhopper.jpg)
red-legged grasshopper
![red-legged grasshopper](red-legged_grasshopper.jpg)
water strider
![candid photo of me failing to photograph water striders](strider_fail.jpg)
NOPE. I could not get my loupe near them. They are so fast and so cautious and have such good eyesight.
common eastern bumble bee
common buckeye
? unknown orange-dotted butterfly
![butterfly with orange dots](orange_dotted2.jpg)
I did not take any less-magnified photos of this specimen, so I'm not sure what species it is. Maybe a black swallowtail, but do those have these orange dots? I only see pictures of them with yellow dots, not orange ones.
? another unknown butterfly
Not sure about this one either. Any guesses?
Argia (dancers)
I misidentified these as bluets, but a person called upskuttle informed me otherwise. Dancers and bluets can be differentiated by how they hold their wings. Dancers (Argia) hold their wings up over their abdomen while bluets (Enallagma) hold them alongside the abdomen.
Porcellio spinicornis
Porcellio spinicornis exuvia
Exuvia (shed exoskeleton) of Porcellio spinicornis. Isopods shed in halves, changing their "shirt" and "pants" separately.
![held in tweezers isopod exuvia, front half](./spinicornis_exuvia.jpg)
![do you recognize the console? isopod exuvia, back half](./spinicornis_exuvia2.jpg)
house centipede (Scutigera coleoptrata)
![house centipede](house_centipede.jpg)
![millipede drinking a drop of milk](milky.jpg)
I found this one inside a commercial building on a rainy day. When I tried catching it in a cup, I accidentally spilled a stray drop of milk on the floor, which the millipede drank. I thus named it Milky.
I found Milky before getting my loupe, so these shots are less magnified than most others on this page.